Adam West and Burt Ward, the caped crusaders of the classic 1960s Batman TV series, reunited at EW’s Comic-Con lounge ahead of their appearance at the Hub’s SDCC panel on Friday evening.
In addition to Batman (West) and Robin (Ward), Julie Newmar – the first of three actresses to play Catwoman – also joined in on the superhero reunion and the trio talked about a slew of topics from the evolution of the iconic Batman story to some of the humorous moments that occurred during their days of filming.
In addition to Batman (West) and Robin (Ward), Julie Newmar – the first of three actresses to play Catwoman – also joined in on the superhero reunion and the trio talked about a slew of topics from the evolution of the iconic Batman story to some of the humorous moments that occurred during their days of filming.
“It’s just a different ball game, that’s all — not that i wouldn’t love to play the Dark Knight’s father,” said West of the new series of Batman blockbusters.Regarding painfully funny scenes, Ward discussed how he was injured while filming the series’ famous scene when the Batmobile comes roaring out of the Batcave exit and hangs a sharp left.
“On one of the takes, my door flew open; I grabbed the gear shift and broke my pinkie finger,” Ward revealed. “They said, ‘We have to get you to the hospital — but we have to get the shot first.”Despite the discomforts that may have occasionally crept up during the now 45-year-old series’ filming, all three of the Batman alumn’s agreed it was the most enjoyable project that they have ever worked on.
“It was such a harmless show, and it was so much fun — absurd,” West offered. “I enjoy it so much more than any other series or movie I’ve done since.”
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